Tuesday, October 26, 2010

University of Michigan SealImage via Wikipedia

Good For Your Wallet, Good For Your Brain - Retire Later...

A report published this month in The Journal of Economic Perspectives suggests your brain may benefit from work. Researchers at the University of Michigan analyzed memory performance in men and women ages 60-64 who lived in a variety of countries with different retirement ages. They found that people living in countries with later retirement ages performed better. For example, individuals living in the United States, Denmark and England recalled an average of 10-11 out of 20 words across immediate and delayed recall tests. The averages in Spain, Italy, and France, on the other hand, were closer to 6-8 words.

The researchers found, in general, that memory performance was much better in countries where people tended to work into their early 60s. In this particular study, for example, the researchers found that 50% of the US respondents and 10% of the French respondents were still working after the age of 60.

The researchers determined that working may help preserve cognitive function. This conclusion is consistent with the notion of cognitive reserve -- the idea that those who challenge their brains throughout life are somewhat protected from cognitive decline.

The good news, though, is that employment is not the only way to build cognitive reserve. Other approaches include engaging in educational activities, taking on challenging new hobbies, and brain training. Start building your cognitive reserve today with 25% of your Lumosity membership!

Acknowledgements: Luminosity.com


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