Fiji becoming the basket case of the Pacific, and the clock is ticking...
Despite last minute attempts by Fijian military dictator, Commodore Bainimarama to meet the leaders of Australia and New Zealand and negotiate a change of mind over sanctions against Fiji, Fiji will be kicked out, officially suspended from the Pacific Islands Forum, and possibly from the Commonwealth later in the year.
Bainimarama claims elections can't be restored for another five years, but this a load of codswallop! He claims to be the hero of multiracialism in Fiji, but is just another dirty little dictator like Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe who dictated his country from being the bread-basket of Africa to becoming the basket-case of all time!
There are absolutely no civil rights in Fiji, no democracy, and the local media has been dictated to and controlled by the army, with foreign media and diplomats detained and kicked out of Fiji. Some Fijians have lost there lives, and others are missing.
Much foreign aid has already been suspended by Australia, NZ, Britain and the European Union. Fijian army peacekeepers may also be suspended from new contracts by the United Nations, and as a consequence much of Fiji's economy will be affected with the loss of the soldiers income. With unemployed troops drifting around unemployed in the capital of Suva, Bainimarama's regime could well have some substantial opposition. Fijians are pretty effective soldiers - good peacekeepers!
The Bainimarama regime's future is already in doubt - the clock is ticking!
The latest forum meeting this week has reconfirmed the earlier decision of that body. A delegate from Nuie called for the Fijian people to rise up and topple the Bainimarama regime. That would require resources that only Australia and New Zealand possess
It is also believed that Fiji will also be ousted from the Commonwealth as well, in time.