English: John Key, leader of the New Zealand National Party Македонски: Џон Ки, лидер на Новозеландската национална партија. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Those who keep themselves abreast of current affairs will recall the over the top FBI - led police raid on the home of internet mogul Kim Dotcom a couple of years ago -
armed police and helicopters and all. His mansion, property and bank accounts were frozen.The
US Government is at present trying to extradite Mr Dotcom through the
NZ courts. The
GCSB external spy agency had been
spying on Dotcom; but he is a NZ resident and should have been protected from those actions. It has been reported by the media that another 85 Kiwis, citizens and residents may have been illegally spied on as well. In recent days prime minister
John Key has announced that his government will simply change the law and allow the GCSB to continue spying on
New Zealand residents legally. That sounds very much like Nazi Germany in the early days - change the law, and later - bugger the law.
THe GCSB should be abolished and its functions taken over by the SIS and police.