Friday, April 09, 2010

Winter scene at the Georgia State Capitol, Atl...Image via Wikipedia

A most despicable decision by Sidetick to rob me of potential earnings and disable my account...

What do you know about Sidetick, a recent addition to the list of social network sites on the internet? Sidetick claimed last year, 2009, that they wanted to become the top site of its type out there. After you read this post you may have second thoughts!

I was introduced to the site by a good blogging friend and became quite rapt with Sidetick. Everything you did on site, visiting friends participating in polls, writing and replying to blog posts, playing games, adding music, photos, videos etc. I also participated regularly in last season's American Football Pools. using my memory really, as a New Zealander with limited knowledge of the game and the teams, I was earning from 3500 Points or Sidetick dollars up to 5000 a week. Hey, my points began to mount up.

Sidetick promised a payout to EVERYBODY at Sidetick when they had amassed 200,000 SD or US$100.00. On Feb 23 this year I noticed I had earned 89,000SD. The following day a bombshell was released! But for some reason I didn't pick it up until Feb27, my birthday. Do you know what it was? Well let me tell you dear reader!

Sidetick announced that only Americans and and some friends from Canada, United kingdom, Australia and Israel would continue to be allowed to earn money at Sidetick.I was shocked because as a New Zealander, across the Tasman Sea from our cousins in Australia was now a declared foreigner. As foreign as a North Korean! I was disgusted and deeply hurt by the despicable decision and ban against me. I sent some strong messages and wrote a couple of blog posts at Sidetick expressing my opinion. I have never been called a foreigner by Americans - usually friends and allies. We have special forces troops laying it on the line in Afghanistan. Tell our SAS troopers they are a bunch of foreigners!

So the upshot of Sideticks decision - treating those thousands of foreign members who have been supporting Sidetick very poorly indeed. They messaged us telling us they would investigate ways for foreign members to continue earning Sidetick dollars which could be cashed out in time. Well I've only earned what in reality will be pennies. I would never be in a position to ever cash my 89000SD into cash.

Its actually false pretences back home here in NZ. They have actually illegally changed their rules. I haven' t bothered to participate in Sidetick since. I have written and sent a Letter to the Editor of a Georgia newspaper. Sidetick are based in Atlanta.

Well, what do you think of that decision readers? Sidetick will never become a leading soaial network site because they don't understand the word "social".

Since I wrote this they have disabled my account and basically robbed me of potentially about US$45.000. I will continue to tell the world about their despicable treatment of me and other "foreigners".

Don't have a bar of these so-called social networkers - they will rob you blind. No? What do you think they have just done to me? If you see the word Sidetick start running!

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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

roundel adopted by Royal Canadian Air Force, f...Image via Wikipedia
And they were really neighbours... 
Two Canadian brothers separated at a young age, both searching for their biological family have discovered they live across the road from each other.

Tommy Larkin, 30, and Stephen Goosney, 29, were given away to different adoptive families as infants and were left with little personal information to track down their birth parents.

Both brothers were searching for their biological families in order to find out their medical history before discovering they were neighbours, the Canadian Press reported.

Mr Larkin was at his Newfoundland home when he was told over the phone his biological brother's address — the house directly across the road from his.

Mr Larkin waited until his brother returned to the house the next day, then gave him a call.

"It was all pretty overwhelming," Mr Goosney said.

"We have been seeing each other pretty much every day, just hanging out and trying to catch up."

Mr Goosney said the pair felt an immediate connection after meeting.

"It feels different, having someone I can call a brother," he said.

"We both have families, but this is as close as it gets."

The brothers are now looking for the rest of their biological family.

Acknowledgements: MSN NZ News

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Tuesday, April 06, 2010

A modern pair of prescription glasses with a h...Image via Wikipedia
Glasses aren't so geeky after all - they could be sexy...

Glasses aren’t so geeky after all - could be sexy? Well I wear them and have for a number of years now. Am I sexy? Well thats in the eyes of the beholder. So perhaps we may hear and see less of those extremely unkind and sometimes cutting comments about people who were glasses. We may be sexy?

Investing your hard-earned cash in a pair of spectacles is something no person should be ashamed of. In fact, turning a little four-eyed could be the first step to a new, and better, you.

According to the results of a recent survey commissioned by OPSM, wearing glasses improves your employment, sex and fashion appeal.

The online survey of 482 Kiwis by Stellar Market Research found a whopping 74 percent believe that glasses can make people look sexy and 93 percent believe glasses are more stylish than they used to be.

It's definitely time to bin the contact lenses.

More than one in four of those surveyed would consider wearing frames as a fashion accessory, even if they didn't need a prescription. And more than three quarters of people admitted to checking out a potential partner purely because of their eyewear.

Employability is also boosted by a pair of rims. Almost two thirds of people believe wearing glasses helps improve employment chances, while more than half think wearing glasses helps to make a better impression at a job interview and makes a positive first impression in the workplace

Acknowledgements: MSN-Fashion

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