Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Wines of New ZealandImage by Stuck in Customs via Flickr
NZ Zespri helping out Japan in a practical way...

NZ Zespri helping out Japan in a practical way...

New Zealand 's Zespri helping Japan quake relief.

Zespri's first shipment this year of kiwifruit to Japan is also carrying 30,000 litres of packaged water for relief efforts.

Zespri's first shipment this year of kiwifruit to Japan is also carrying 30,000 litres of packaged water for relief efforts.

The MV Haru Verdy has already left Tauranga bound for Kobe and Tokyo and a second ship is due to leave early next week.

Supply Chain Manager, Sally Gardiner, says Zespri has been monitoring the situation in Japan since the earthquake and tsunami.

She says they're concerned not only for the Zespri's 17 staff, but also for the well being of their customers and distributors with whom they've forged strong bonds.

Mr Gardiner is thanking other companies that have contributed to getting the shipment of water to Japan. They include the operators of the M.V. Haru Verdy, who are shipping the water free of charge.

Ms Gardiner said the new season kiwifruit is due to arrive in-market in Japan in mid-April.

“Our suppliers in Japan tell us that demand for ZESPRI® Kiwifruit remains strong, and based on this, our export programme to Japan will continue as planned,” Ms Gardiner said.

“Shortly after these initial shipments to Japan, shipments of ZESPRI® GREEN, GOLD and ORGANIC kiwifruit will begin to other key markets in Asia, Europe and North America.

“The 2011 season is on track to be a strong one. Early indications are that the volume produced during the 2011 season will be similar to last year’s, with around 100 million trays of kiwifruit being exported,” Ms Gardiner said.

In the coming months, around 25,000 people, mostly seasonal workers, will be employed by the New Zealand kiwifruit industry to harvest, pack and ship ZESPRI® GREEN, GOLD and ORGANIC kiwifruit, injecting millions of dollars into the New Zealand economy.

Acknowledgements: NZ City

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Monday, March 28, 2011

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I like these Half Price Gift cards to National Stores

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Landsat 7 image of the Bristol ChannelImage via Wikipedia
England's tsunami of 1607...

An account of an early natural disaster and the effect it had on the West of England and Wales

The world was horrified by the tsunami that struck Asia several years ago. To most of us, it was the first time we’d heard the word, the first time such a terrifying incident could strike out of the blue, without warning.

An Account from England and Wales:

But it has happened before, many centuries ago near the Bristol Channel in England. The following is based on an account in The Gentleman’s Magazine of 1762, printed in response to a report of a disastrous storm near Quesnoy, France. It quotes extensively from a pamphlet in the Harleian library which was written soon after the event in 1607. It is worth quoting in detail:

“On Tuesday January 27 about 9 in the morning, ‘the sunne being fayrly and bryghtly spred,’ huge and mighty hills of water were seen in the elements, tumbling one over another in such sort as if the greatest mountains in the world had overwhelmed the low vallies, to the inexpressible astonishment and terror of the spectators, who, at first, mistaking it for a great mist, or fog, did not on the sudden prepare to make their escape from it; but on its nearer approach, which came on with such swiftness as it was verily thought the fowls of the air could not fly so fast; they perceived that it was the violence of the waters of the raging seas, which seemed to have broken their bounds, and were pouring in to deluge the whole land, and then happy were they that could fly the fastest. But as violent and swift were the huge waves, and they pursuing one another with such rapidity that in less than 5 hours space, most part of the countries on the Severn’s banks were laid under water, and many hundreds of men, women, and children, perished in the floods. From the hills might be seen herds of cattle, and flocks of sheep, with husbandmen labouring in the fields, all swept away together, and swallowed up in one dreadful inundation. Houses, barns, ricks of corn and hay, were all involved in the common ruin. Many who were rich in the morning were beggars before noon, and several perished in endeavouring to save their effects

Read more at Suite101: England's Tsunami of 1607

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Las vistas desde el overwater bungalow en Bora...Image by jsmoral via Flickr
Polynesians fear 20 metre tsunami from Mururoa  atoll...

French scientist warns that part of radioactive Mururoa atoll could break off and trigger a tsunami...

The president of French Polynesia has asked France to send scientists to assess the risk that the Mururoa atoll, which was used as a nuclear bomb test site for 30 years, could collapse into the Pacific Ocean and unleash a tsunami 20 metres high on the surrounding islands.

Polynesians have been watching the events in Japan - caused by a 10-metre high tsunami - with mounting alarm. The fear that part of the Mururoa atoll might collapse into the sea is not new. Back in 1997, one year after the final, highly controversial, nuclear test, an official report referred to the risk.

Now locals have seized on an admission by a French nuclear safety official, Marcel Jurien de la Graviere, that "the possibility of a collapse of part of the Mururoa atoll cannot be ruled out".

President Gaston Tong Sang writes in his letter to his opposite number Nicolas Sarkozy that there is disquiet among French Polynesians, who fear not only a 20-metre high tsunami washing over their islands, but also the release of radioactive material which has so far been entombed in the atoll. De la Graviere suggested that people on nearby Tureia atoll could be exposed to radiation 300 times the level in France.

Meanwhile, locals have told ABC News that there are places on Mururoa atoll where the road has sunk two metres below sea level and that there are huge cracks in the coral.

Tong Sang wants Paris to set up an alarm system, although its usefulness would be questionable given that Tureia has a maximum elevation of a few metres and is only 70 miles away from Mururoa.

Read more:,news-comment,news-politics,french-polynesians-fear-20-metre-tsunami-from-nuclear-mururoa-atoll#ixzz1HlWupe5X

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