Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Facebook, Inc.Image via Wikipedia
Is this how the Brits treat their staff - by a Facebook message...

A 16-year-old UK girl who lost $21 while on an errand found out she lost her job when her manager posted a message on her Facebook page.

Chelsea Taylor was sacked from her Saturday job at a cafe via a heavily misspelt Facebook message, the Daily Mail reported.

Chelsea had been given $21 to go out and buy biscuits for the staff of Cookies, a cafe in Leigh in northern England.

When she lost the money she was notified of her dismissal with a Facebook message from manager Elaine Sutton.

"I had to tell the owner bout u losin that tenner coz obviously the till was down at the end of the day," the message read.

"she wasn't very pleased at all and despite me trying to persuade her otherwise she said I have to let u go."

Chelsea's mother Nicola said the Facebook dismissal was "appalling and heartless".

"I just can't believe they didn't even have the decency to tell her over the phone, let alone in person," she said.

"And to have the message all misspelt with capital letters and apostrophes missing is simply disrespectful and sets no example to other employees."

When Ms Taylor told Ms Sutton she lost the money she offered to replace it but the offer was declined.

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